Our Services

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies are the first step in any energy project, and we can offer feasibility services to a variety of clients. This has historically been wind farm developers or owners of a land portfolio and solar PV developers, but increasingly, we are engaging in other technologies, such as energy storage projects.

James Mackay

Director of Environment & Engineering

Speak to our Feasibility Studies Expert

TNEI is able to offer the below services as part of the feasibility stage. Tasks may be commissioned on a package basis or on an individual basis, as required.

Whatever your feasibility project requirements, the TNEI team is well placed to provide you with expert support. Please get in touch to find out what we can offer.

Feasibility Study Services

We are legally qualified in Scotland with ten years’ experience in project site acquisition, leasing and Crofting

TNEI is able to support renewable energy developers in the entire site acquisition process

TNEI’s Planning Authority overview report deliver an up-to-date picture of the local planning environment

TNEI is able to model likely financial returns for various scales and forms of development

TNEI is able to provide a short, focused desk-based review of individual sites

Specialist Energy Advice

We are a specialist, independent company. That’s why we can offer a flexible, personal service and help our clients quickly.

Landowner Services: Scotland

TNEI has staff legally qualified in Scotland with ten years’ experience in project site acquisition, leasing and Crofting. We can identify generation and storage opportunities (and constraints) by:
Land Reform and Community Empowerment legislation, together with the Shared Ownership planning initiative have significantly increased the numbers of potential landowners involved in the development of renewable energy schemes, whether grid connected or private-wire. Please contact us if you are:
Please contact us for further information on the services offered, by emailing info@tneigroup.com or calling 0191 211 1400.
* Please note that this service is conducted by a senior wind consultant with relevant development experience. It is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed as, legal advice and should in no way be considered to replace a full title deed review by a suitably qualified solicitor.

Key Contact

Landowner Services: England and Wales

TNEI is able to support renewable energy developers in the entire site acquisition process including proactive site finding techniques and feasibility assessment, landowner identification, approach and subsequent contracting work.
Our services include:
Please contact us for further information on the services offered, by emailing info@tneigroup.com or calling 0191 211 1400.
* Please note that this service is conducted by a senior wind consultant with relevant development experience. It is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed as, legal advice and should in no way be considered to replace a full title deed review by a suitably qualified solicitor.

Key Contact

Planning Authority Overview

TNEI’s Planning Authority overview report seeks to deliver an up-to-date picture of the local planning environment to assist developers in predicting the level of planning risk in an area. This service is aimed at both specific sites but also at area wide search activity.

This exercise involves a review of all the relevant planning documentation within a Planning Authority (PA) area, including wind specific supplementary guidance and landscape guidance.

The report can be useful in supporting a single site, but also where a client is, or may in the future, be considering a number of sites within one PA area. Please email us for more information.

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Indicative Financial Appraisal

To consider economic viability and inform decisions to proceed with a renewable energy scheme, TNEI is able to model likely financial returns for various scales and forms of development. Using our experience of developments throughout the UK, and insight into the current economic aspects of renewable energy generation, Discounted Cash Flow modelling is utilised to provide an indication of likely returns. Analysis of the modelling provides developers with an insight into the feasibility of a project from an early stage, and numerous scenarios can be explored to inform scheme design and the decision to proceed.

In undertaking an initial financial appraisal for a proposed development, projected capital and lifetime operational costs are estimated using a combination of comparative and subjective estimating techniques. Benchmark data gathered from a range of previous project experience is used to inform this process and is tailored to each specific project or likely development scenario.

Using our insight into current income streams, including the Feed-in Tariff, Renewable Heat Incentive, Renewable Obligation Certificates and any savings made through onsite generation, plus appreciation of all aspects of the financial inputs, TNEI can provide an estimate of likely returns on investment and payback periods. This is through discounted cash flow modelling tailored to individual project requirements and developer criteria. Examination and explanation of financial modelling includes sensitivity analysis to inform investment decisions with all required assumptions and areas of uncertainty highlighted.

While further, more detailed financial assessment is likely to be required throughout the project, TNEI’s initial modelling, coupled with our expertise across all aspects of the development process provides a valuable insight into the anticipated returns and investment risks associated with a renewable energy development.

Please get in touch for more information or to discuss your requirements.

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Initial Desktop Appraisal

TNEI is able to provide a short, focused desk-based review of individual sites. This provides an initial first pass assessment which can help save significant time and abortive spend in undertaking full feasibility studies.

TNEI’s first pass feasibility review takes the form of an assessment matrix, summary of key risks, strengths and weaknesses which then informs crucial next steps to help determine whether or not to progress with a site. Approach is discussed with the client prior to commencing. This allows client-specific input into such issues as buffers, no-go areas and maximum required scopes of survey work. This helps to reduce abortive spend by prioritising tasks on a site specific basis.

Format and content of the matrix can be adapted to suit your requirements, but generally includes high level consideration of key planning, environmental and technical topic areas.

Contact one of our experts to find out more.

Key Contact

James Hollender

Principle Consultant

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